BeInbound Training Blog

Design Time! Top Tools to Enhance your B2B Marketing Creativity

Written by Christina Beischl | 20-Jul-2015 21:42:08

You’re a marketer, not a designer, so your strengths are strategy, facing clients and staying on top of your campaigns' KPIs. Design and creativity are usually pushed to the bottom of your list of things to do. But you know that good marketing is far more than just following a plan, it’s just as much about pleasing the eye and drawing in your targets with great graphics. Sadly, you just don’t have the time or the right tools to make the most of your content, so you leave it to the design team and hope for the best. Luckily, Kevin Beaudry offers help for time-strapped marketers with his fantastic article, 7 Awesome Design Resources to Add to Your Arsenal.

Coverr: Video Content

When I’m designing I always enjoy pushing the boundaries on how to take a website to the next level. One of the many ways to do that is with video content.

If you want eye-catching video content with the impressive shallow depth of field shots or aerial shots, but don’t have the thousands of dollars to drop on expensive equipment, the guys over at Coverr have awesome options for you to choose from. The best part is they’re free!

Every Monday, Coverr uploads 7 new high-quality videos that you are free to use on your website or within your content. Subscribing is the best way to get access to the new additions first.

Putting Coverr to Use

Using Coverr is simple. When beginning your hunt, scroll through their site to find that perfect video content for your project. When you find it, click it, and hit download.

You can also upload your video to your website. Once you get the snippet of code they provide and change the three source paths that are marked in blue they mention it on their site.


Convinced? Think you’re ready to add more creativity to your marketing? Head to Impact’s blog here to find 6 more helpful tricks on how to make your content stand out from the rest.

And if you think your B2B marketing isn't effective and would like to find out how we can help you improve your overall efforts and get you and your team ready for the digital age, click the button below.