BeInbound Training Blog

Infographic: 9 Things B2B Marketers Should Look for in a Marketing Automation Platform

Written by Katie Stow | 17-Jun-2015 06:13:19

Thanks to marketing automation software, B2B marketers no longer have to devote huge chunks of time to doing mind-numblingly dull manual tasks such as uploading a single tweet at precisely 7:35am (because that is the best time), or remembering to send a thank you email to people who have downloaded content off your website (because, whoops, you've left that poor lead high and dry for about three weeks).Thankfully, marketing automation software helps to eliminate human error and gives us more time to be more productive in tasks that require creativity and brain power. Cheers to those helpful little robots!


It is for this reason that more and more organisations are reaping the rewards of an investment in marketing automation technology, especially as these platforms become more enhanced and developed. The additon of fun little features such as personalisation make your marketing super customisable and reflective of the actual faces behind your business. 

So before you jump aboard the marketing automation bandwagon, here is a quick infographic outlining what you should consider in your hunt for the best platform:


Feeling ready to find your own marketing automation platform? Before you go googling away, have a read of our free eBook explaining how you can further future-fy your Inbound Marketing by bringing it into the digital age by clicking the CTA below. Alternatively, if you are looking for a helping hand through all of these confusing changes in the marketing industry then have a quick look at our training services to see if there is a course for you!